Steiner school in Tampere
Steiner school in Tampere is a private school in Muotiala, Tampere, that covers grades 0-9 and high school. The pedagogy of Steiner schools is based on a holistic approach to people, their growth and development. The syllabus is based on knowledge of the laws of growth.
Web services

Steiner school in Tampere chose Mediasignal as its partner in implementing an overall reform of its website.

Website as an information channel for the school
The new website acts as an important information channel for the school. For this reason, the aim was to create, as early as in the conceptualization phase, clear sections for education, pedagogy, and services.
In the layout design, it was important to make use of the special characteristics of Steiner schools and to highlight their way of doing things in a visual form.
In connection to the reform, also various service forms were brought online. A separate section was added on the website for the electronic forms, where they are easy to find.
The 180-seat organic restaurant that is run by the Timjami cooperative, and is a fixed part of the school’s operations also has a separate section on the website. This section includes daily menus and other news and notifications published by the restaurant.
Customer feedback
“Cooperation with Mediasignal ran smoothly from the quote request to the publication of the website. Our wishes were genuinely heard and considered in the implementation. The electronic platform that was used for communication within the project enabled professional but relaxed interaction.”
– Emmi Rämö, Steiner school in Tampere
Own website and logo for the Aurora Hall
Steiner school’s Aurora Hall is a 320-seat multifunctional hall that is suited to various corporate and cultural events. A separate website was created for the hall, which can be found at
Mediasignal also designed a new logo for the Aurora Hall. The logo was inspired by the contours of the Steiner school façade.