A localised service for the listed company brought customer benefits to product management and investor communications


Kesla Oyj is a successful and international forest technology professional with four plants in Finland and sales to over 35 countries.

Project URL

A localised web service package

The web service gathers together Kesla’s products and their features, localised into seven languages.

The service includes e.g. a product configuration application, which the customer can use to customise a request for an offer at a product and feature level. The choices made by the customer filter equipment and product components in accordance with a model to determine the product configuration.

From web service implementation to wider service development

Better service for distributors worldwide.

Kesla’s and Mediasignal’s collaboration began with the complete implementation of a web service solution and has since expanded to include an extranet service and material bank software for sharing material.

Together with Kesla Oyj, Mediasignal is developing an extranet service that will help the global distributor network to better serve, inform and process warranty repairs. Key project goals included e.g. the better integration of the company’s spare parts system to safeguard better customer service and the smooth flow of information.

Kesla also uses Mediasignal’s Imagebank Independent digital asset management system for the centralised management of its advertising and marketing material.

Up-to-date investor communications

Kesla’s web service plays a central role in the publication and distribution of the listed company’s investor communications.

In addition to its communicative role, the web service is also an extremely important global sales channel, as Kesla’s products are exported to more than 35 countries. The distributor extranet’s role as a global distributor network service is especially important.

Expanding the range of digital services as necessary

Kesla’s and Mediasignal’s partnership has expanded over the years as needs have grown. Mediasignal is able to offer an extremely wide range of digital services tailored to meet the exact need for which a solution is required.

Collaboration results


configurator variations.


language versions.


We want to help you. Contact us and let's discuss your goals.

Contact us
Toni Pato-Oja

CEO | Entrepreneur | Digital Business
Mediasignal Group

CEO | Entrepreneur | Digital Business
Mediasignal Industrial Oy

Entrepreneur | Digital Business
Mediasignal Communications Oy

Mediasignal Nordic AS