Years of experience with information system and web service solutions for S-Group business units
S-group is a Finnish network of companies operating in the retail and service sectors with over 1,600 outlets in Finland.
Long-term partnership

Cooperation between S-Group and Mediasignal has continued for over 10 years. Mediasignal has delivered information system and online service solutions for several business units within the S Group.

Agile development
Long-term collaboration continues.
Mediasignal has developed in cooperation with SOK a browser-based booking system for S Group and its local co-operatives. Development of the system started in 2012, and is still continuing based on the methods of agile software development.
The delivered information system facilitates, amongst other things, unit-specific management of table bookings at restaurants and conference room reservations at hotels and online sales of related products and services. The main users of the service include sales services, restaurants, and hotels within the S Group. For these, the system offers various sale support functions.
Collaboration achievements
100t +
Reservations a year.
S-Group outlets.