SEY Finland's Animal Welfare is Finland's largest animal welfare organization and animal welfare expert. SEY has been at the forefront of Finnish animal welfare for over a hundred years.
Partnership in developing an online service environment

Together, Mediasignal and SEY jointly built a professional digital service portfolio, where a prominent publicity and an engaging perspective play a key role. A modern visual appearance and technologies selected in the background were also built to support the accessibility of an important message.

Renewing the web service and sending an important message from the association
Mediasignal designed and built a web and information service environment for the Finnish well-known animal welfare association SEY. The web service provides a comprehensive information package on animal protection, rights and welfare.
In designing the service format, it was crucial to internalize the nature and purposefulness of the association’s activities so that a broad and multi-level user group would receive the information they needed – the close collaboration between Mediasignal and SEY’s experts was at its best.
Massive content in an easily accessible format
The aim was to create a visible and widely communicative influencer format that is easy to use and offers a high level of information to consumers, decision-makers and dozens of animal welfare member associations and animal advisors.
The technical implementation of the service included e.g. the following entities
– WordPress Multisite, modular design
– WooCommerce Online Store
– Integrating e-commerce and site forms with CRM and Mautic marketing automation interfaces
– Synchronization of CRM and Mautic user registries