Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK

Tampere Adult Education Centre TAKK is a multisectoral vocational educator and working life developer. TAKK offers vocational qualifications, further vocational qualifications, specialist vocational qualifications and vocational further education in over 20 vocational fields. TAKK offers flexible and individual services to companies and organizations to develop their operations and personnel’s competence.

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Easier information search and improved customer experiences with new search functionality

TAKK and Mediasignal have been working together for several years. Together with Tampere Adult Education, we have implemented an online service concept, which includes an online service, the MyTAKK website for students and staff, and a versatile educational platform.

The search functionality of the Tampere Adult Education Centre’s website was to be improved, as analytics and customer surveys revealed that the search function was widely used to find a wide and varied range of educational material.

We designed and implemented a more advanced way to search and find courses on the site, as well as improved usability. The new search engine directly differentiates courses, staff and page content, making it easier to find the right content and shortening the path to the information.

The new functionality was also extended to include a training offer section, with a completely redesigned user interface. The training infos were redesigned and infographics were used to highlight important aspects of the courses.

– The search functionality of the massive website has also required development work since its launch. Through collaboration, the search engine has been fine-tuned and the user experience and accuracy of the search results have improved significantly. The search functionality was also visually updated, making the search function and the browsing experience more pleasant for visitors, says Marjo Nieminen, Communications Manager at TAKK.

Mediasignal used the Solr search engine as the technology to redesign the search functionality. Solr is a search server built on top of open source code. The search server has built-in security, advanced text search capabilities, real-time indexing, predictive keyword completion and spell checking. The search functionality is significantly faster than conventional searches and more resilient to higher concurrency.


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Toni Pato-Oja

CEO | Entrepreneur | Digital Business
Mediasignal Group

CEO | Entrepreneur | Digital Business
Mediasignal Industrial Oy

Entrepreneur | Digital Business
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Mediasignal Nordic AS