Design of Digital Services and Applications

We design a digital solution to meet your business needs, either as a stand-alone service or as part of other systems.

Our design focuses on user-friendliness, intuitiveness and quality design. The end result is services that are a pleasure for your customers to use. Services are always designed to be flexible, easy to update and expandable.

A good user experience is about understanding the end user and matching the service being built to the user’s needs. Our digital services support the daily lives of our users.

At Mediasignal, we provide user interface design and visual design as part of software development or web service projects, as well as on a separate order basis.

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Service Design

Service design aims to create easy-to-use services and processes that deliver value to their owners and users. It is based on a deep customer understanding, created in collaboration with the customer at the initial and design stages of the project.

Service design ensures the suitability of the service to be designed for the target groups, establishes key user paths and designs the service structure.

User Interface Design / UI/UX design

UI design ensures that the web service or application being developed is both usable and attractive. We also pay attention to technology during the design phase, considering the technical implementation of the service from the very beginning of the design phase. The interface design also takes into account different devices and browsers, responsiveness, site speed and search engine optimisation (SEO) aspects.

Visual Design

We create a coherent and branded look for all channels. We combine visual design with brand usability. A clear and polished look and feel reinforces the credibility of your brand and service.

Our design team can help with any project requiring graphic design or visuals. Whether it’s individual elements, entire web services, an application interface or a small app, we can provide expert help. We can also handle graphic design work for traditional media.

Book a free Teams meeting to discuss your needs.


We want to help you. Contact us and let's discuss your goals.

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Marko Kujala

Director, Software Solutions & Business Development

Let’s make your vision a reality.

Mediasignal would love to talk with you. Even a small idea can grow into an innovation that accelerates your business. We can help you to get started and achieve fast results. Get in touch and challenge us.
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