Katja Varttinen

Data-driven design is increasingly being used in a variety of digital projects. Data is utilised as qualitative and quantitative methods as the engine behind product and service development.

The starting point is to utilise data, surveys and testing in order to better understand the service’s target audience, existing customers, and especially their behaviour.

Studying behaviour increases in importance the more complex the service is or the shorter its development history is. The more different options or alternatives paths the user has, the more likely it is that use will be adapted according to preference and not optimally with regard to the goal of the service.

Studies can indicate behaviour that reveals new opportunities for interface design – the kind that designers have not yet anticipated.

A service can be made more interesting by adapting it to the user’s preferences and behaviour. The customer experience means more now than ever before. That’s why we always aim to maximise the user experience in service and application design.

Data helps to understand what the user experiences

It can be said that data alone tells us nothing unless it is analysed from the selected perspective of the project. The purposes for which analysed data will be used must be clear. What is the goal we are aiming for? What kind of problem do you want to solve?

By studying the collected data, we can determine the areas of the service which require development. When data is combined with user feedback, it provides new perspectives on system use that were not observed in original development.

Data is often utilised in the development of the smallest areas or micro services. It can be used to prove that a service or part of a service is not being used in the desired manner, or even that its use is interrupted. In such cases, data is a significant source of data for problem specification and for finetuning the user experience to be the best it can be.

The continuous service development loop

Thorough user interface design does not always guarantee that all of the users’ needs in practical use will be met. In large projects especially, consideration should be paid to the fact that further development of the interface should be part of the project life cycle.

It should be noted that qualitative requirements and goals for digital services increase the more we use different services. Continuous development is required in order for a service to be successful in the long term. Contact us to discuss how we could help you with service design!

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Marko Kujala

Director, Software Solutions & Business Development